Ham McBeth: March 5-21, 2015
By the pricking of my thumbs, Something…awkward…this way comes.

square product theatre presents an ensemble created comedy adapted from Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Sort of.
Set in a colorful trailer park, Ham McBeth juxtaposes Shakespeare’s legendary tragedy with trailer park politics in a hilarious exploration of ambition, mother-daughter relationships, and the inherent absurdity of the human condition.
Ham McBeth follows single mother and Stevie Nicks devotee Ham Jones, and her rebellious daughter, Aquanetta, who is studying Shakespeare’s Macbeth in preparation for the SATs. Aquanetta, whose goth-teen moodiness awkwardly masks a sensitivity beyond her years, harbors a not-so-secret obsession with Game of Thrones, and a hidden desire to become a classical actress. As preparations for the exam intensify, Ham has bloody visions of usurping Christa, the bossy trailer park association president (or at the very least, to epically TP her yard after a couple of Bartles & Jaymes wine coolers). Will Ham realize her dream of becoming the benevolent dictator of her trailer park, and to what lengths will she go to achieve this vision? Will Aquanetta manage to escape the trailer park of her youth via the classics, or will she fulfill her mother’s worst fears: a starring role on MTV’s Teen Mom? Is this a dagger which I see before me? Don’t miss out on what promises to be a comedy of regular if not epic proportions!
The East Theater @ The Dairy Center for the Arts
$20 general admission | $15 students | $17 seniors 2-for-1 general admission Preview & Thursdays! all seats $25 at the door.