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DANCE NATION: July 14-30 in Boulder

Dance Nation by Clare Barron directed by Gleason Bauer, choreographed by Laura Ann Samuelson

Somewhere in America, an army of pre-teen competitive dancers plots to take over the world. And if their new routine is good enough, they'll claw their way to the top at the Boogie Down Grand Prix in Tampa Bay. But in Clare Barron's raucous pageant of ambition and ferocity, these young dancers have more than choreography on their minds, because every plié and jeté is a step toward finding themselves, and a fight to unleash their power. Dance Nation is a play about ambition, growing up, and how to find our souls in the heat of it all. THREE WEEKS ONLY! July 14 - 30 in the Black Box Theatre @ the ATLAS B2 Center for Media, Arts, & Performance, University of Colorado Boulder 1125 18th St., Boulder

Tickets available NOW. Cast and creative team announcement HERE. Full digital program HERE.


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