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This Aunt is Not a Cockroach

square product theatre & Hoarded Stuff present the World Premiere of This Aunt is Not a Cockroach Created and performed by Emily K. Harrison & Laura Ann Samuelson Twelve legs and a cactus living next door to each other in a crevice of the coastline (or perhaps: the Grand Canyon) eat, sleep, and work at regular intervals (or at least: they try). Two neighbors who barely know each other shift their gaze back and forth from the opening of a cozy desert cave to the unknown wilds of the unpredictable seas (or perhaps: it’s just a sheer drop into the nothingness). They are trying to be decisive. They are trying to figure it out. They ask each other: what does any of it mean? Preview: 8 p.m., Thursday, April 28, 2016 Performances: 8 p.m., Friday, April 29 and Saturday, April 30; Thursdays-Saturdays, May 5-7, 2016 The Wesley Chapel 1290 Folsom St., Boulder, Colo. Get tickets in advance and SAVE! $15 general admission; $12 students and seniors 2-for-1 Thursdays (April 28 and May 5) all seats $20 at the door – cash or check only at the door

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